What Shade of Green Is Tinkerbell Dress

It's #CharacterCommittee time of the week yet again.

This week I have something new yet quite exciting to share with you all.

The magical #CharacterCommittee team have been working extremely hard over these past few weeks and together we are very excited to share with you our new topic theme


As some of you may remember back in June 2018 I wrote a review (my second only written review at the time) about a certain green fairy called Tinkerbell. I will admit, yes how uncommon for me, I was slightly worried when I learnt that the new #CharacterCommittee theme was Tinkerbell once again. After a few quick breathers and talking to Lauren tho I decided that writing a new updated review on Tinkerbell wouldn't be too bad after all since I could add new subtopics and expand on some others.

Some of you may wish to check out my previously written Tinkerbell critic review and if you do, it can be found here.

Are you excited?

Shall we get started then?

Off we go...

☆.。.:*  .。.:*☆


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Photo Credit: Google Images


Writing a critic review on Tinkerbell, although already done once was relatively easy because she was one of my favourite minor characters to appear in the show. I liked Tinkerbell's character mainly because of her incredible dedication and strong sense of loyality. I admired her strength and the will-power in trying to guide Regina into making better choices which could/would ultimately lead her to finding true happiness, and the happy ending she didn't believe she deserved. I felt Tinkerbell's courage and bravey in never giving up on her belief in Regina was extremely admirable and felt that she didn't deserve such a harsh punishment.


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Photo Credit: Google Images


The dress Tinkerbell wore in the Enchanted Forest was by far my favourite, simply because it looked so much like the dress the original animated Tinkerbell wore in the disney original film, Peter Pan. As you may remember in my previously written Tinkerbell review I wrote how I found it very interesting that Tinkerbell's wardrobe went from light green in the earlier episodes through to darker shades of green in later episodes. I do believe that Tinkerbell's wardrobe changing from light shades of green through to darker shades of green was used to depict a change in her personal and emotional circustances. I felt that after Blue (Mother Superior) took away her wings for disobeying her orders she became extremely depressed and troubled, which ultimately led to live out her life in Neverland. I wasn't too suprised to notice that in Neverland, Tinkerbell's wardrobe had changed to a slightly darker shade of green however I was surprised to see her wearing a scruffy top, trousers and a scarf rather than the iconic light green dress we'd already seen. Tinkerbell wearing trousers, I felt was Once's unique way of bring an originally Victorian era based character into the modern era. The decision to have Tinkerbell wearing trousers rather than a dress whilst she was living in Neverland was a practical one which I felt made perfect logical sense specially as she was constantly battling through the jungle.


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Photo Credit: Google Images


By far my relationship involving Tinkerbell was the one she shared with Regina. I loved how it changed from acquaintances through to friendship through to hatred and eventually back through to friendship. I completely agree why Tinkerbell felt angry and betrayed because she put herself on the line, only to be let down and sometime later punished however I don't completely agree it was all Regina's fault after all Tinkerbell did disobey the Blue Fairy's direct orders.


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As I've already mentioned, I felt that the removal of Tinkerbell's wings was an excessively harsh punishment, specially considering Tinkerbell was only trying to see the potential for goodness in Regina. I do nonetheless feel that had the Blue Fairy not given Tinkerbell such a cruel and harsh punishment then her characters storyline may not have been as fun and interesting to watch. I did rejoice though when the Blue Fairy restowed back upon Tinkerbell her wings and apologised also.


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I found Once's Tinkerbell and Captain Killian 'Hook' to have a rather wierd, and if I'm honest quite unexpected type of relationship. I expected the writers of Once to write Tinkerbell's Neverland story much like the disney original film was written however this was not the case. Instead of seeing Tinkerbell and Hook as enermies as expected we see them share a common sense of respect and friendly admiration for each other. This in itself I felt was highly refreshing and fairly pleasent to watch unfold.


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Photo Credit: Google Images


I positively loved Rose McIver's version of Tinkerbell, and felt she was the perfect actress choice for the role. As I said in my previously written Tinkerbell review I found Rose's portrayal of such an iconic disney fairy to be beautiful and almost flawless. The reason I say almost flawless is because I felt like Rose had so much more she could put into her character however she was given the most minimal of screen time and therefore her character's development was quite slow and unprogresssive.

☆.。.:*  .。.:*☆

*Thank you for the feature*

#CharacterCommittee #Tinkerbell #CriticReviewByKerri

What Shade of Green Is Tinkerbell Dress

Source: https://aminoapps.com/c/oncers/page/blog/tinkerbell-a-critic-review/NBGx_K3cMuaYeV8ZvYzXzm6J3D1jgxPM51

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